German poets about peace

The International Alliance of Russian Germans “Renaissance” supported and financed the publication of the book of German poets about the world “Anna’s Eyes”.

The book presents the Russian reader German poetry at different stages of its development: from the classics to contemporaries, in the original language and in translation by the famous Russian poet Vladimir Fadeev.

The idea of the book and its conceptual orientation is the affirmation of the spiritual brotherhood of the Russian and German peoples, carried through historical trials and strengthened by active creative interaction.

The book will be of interest to all connoisseurs of poetry and all those who are not indifferent to the problems of humanism and preservation of peace on earth.

Обращение от международного альянса российских немцев «Возрождение»:

By God’s will, it has historically happened so that the two great peoples inhabiting the Eurasian continent have always been closely interconnected and have practically the same genetic code. The recently discovered temple on the German island of Rügen (one of the oldest temples in Slavic history) is another confirmation of this.

Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, and Catherine the Great always resorted to the help of their Western neighbors to initiate the breakthrough development of Russia. The Golden Age of Catherine – German by birth – was a golden age not only for Russia, but also for the surrounding countries and peoples.

The people of the Russian Germans, bearers of two cultures, two languages, two mentalities, absorbed for 250 years of service for the benefit of the Russian Empire, are called to fulfill their unique historical mission, which is to preserve and develop cultural, economic, good-neighborly ties between the two brotherly peoples.

This was the main goal-oriented idea behind the creation of the International Alliance of Russian Germans “Revival”. The founders of this organization were Internationale Volksrat der Russlanddeutsche “Wiedergeburt e.V.”, a German public organization of Russian Germans with many years of experience, and MSRN “Renaissance” in Russia.

History shows that when our two peoples interacted and complemented each other, the result was world peace.

Unfortunately, when it was possible to separate us on different sides of the barricades – it brought suffering, hunger and destruction.

The inspiring Anna’s Eyes project is an excellent example of people-to-people diplomacy on the platform of community organizations. It makes this world a better place, generates high feelings and touches the soul. It is projects like this that make our cultural and historical ties unbreakable. Their source and motivation is not in the realm of political interests, but in the hearts and souls of ordinary people – these are the places where love is born and lives, and love will keep the peace.

On behalf of the International Alliance of Russian Germans “Renaissance” we express our deep gratitude to the organizers of the project. We are honored to support this initiative and be a part of it.

God help you!

President of the International Alliance of Russian Germans “Renaissance” Waldemar Gerdt and General Secretary of the International Alliance of Russian Germans “Renaissance” Oleg Vikhman

International Alliance of Russian Germans "Revival"

Joint Stock Company "International Council of Russian Germans "Vozrozhdenie" (JSC "ICRN "Vozrozhdenie")

123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya Embankment, 12, Moscow City, Moscow International Business Center "Federation", "Vostok" Tower, 25th floor, office "D"

Registered Association "International Council of Russian Germans "Renaissance"