We, the International Alliance of Russian Germans “Renaissance”, call on all those who feel their spiritual connection with the Russian world, regardless of national and religious affiliation, to unite their efforts in building a new world order, free from inequality, misanthropy, lies and the unjust right of the “strong” in relations between states, nations and people.
History teaches the world community that it is impossible to survive by plundering and destroying other nations. This also applies to the attempts to wipe out Russian civilization, which proved to be unrealizable. And there are many reasons for this, the most important of which is the unity of the Russian civilization, based on its multi-ethnic and multi-confessional composition, multiculturalism and a set of historically established traditional values. The Russian statehood, whose main task has always been and is to ensure the safe and harmonious existence of the entire cultural and ethnic diversity of the Russian world, stands on these staples of Russian society. Hence in Russian self-consciousness the commitment to equality and respect for the original and traditional development of all peoples of the world, which implies recognizing for each of them the right to sovereign state development that does not threaten other states and societies.
Our understanding of our common historical development with Russian society, as well as our commitment to the Russian language and culture, religion and Russian identity, allows us – Russian Germans – to speak of bi-identity and biculturalism of our existence. This compels us today to raise our voices in the fight against the Russophobia widely broadcast in the Western world.
Russophobia, being a form of actively planted xenophobia, becomes widespread in the modern world not only at the level of individual, but also public consciousness in many Western countries. It is based on false thoughts, ideas and meanings attributed to Russian society and Russians by the ruling Western elites and the “nose in the wind” media. The promotion of Russophobic discourse in the information space was consistent, accompanied by new forms of psychological influence on the world community in order to form a worldview rejection of the entire Russian world. This was primarily due to geopolitical rivalry, to the desire of the “golden billion” of mankind to maintain its own hegemony in the world. This explains the evolution of Russophobia practices in the West: from rejection of Russian politics to rejection of the Russian people, from forms of political antipathy and engagement, “culture of abolition” to various forms of discrimination against the Russian-speaking population and actual manifestation of racism.
Rejecting the use of inhumane practices of Russophobic influence on interstate and social relations in the modern world, we call on the entire Russian world and the world community as a whole to open dialog and cooperation on principles:
These principles of the Charter, developed on the initiative of the International Alliance of Russian Germans “Renaissance” and addressed to all people of good will, offer a concrete format for uniting around humanistic values, traditions of “Russian civilization”, principles of good-neighborliness and mutual benefit. Joining the Charter allows:
Joining the Charter gives everyone an opportunity to clarify their life position in accordance with the proposed principles of our activities and get additional opportunities to realize their own life plans and business projects, as well as to contribute to the formation of a just and humane world for future generations.
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