9 hours on the most relevant rules of doing business in the Russian Federation

The most relevant rules of doing business in Russia in a dialogue with representatives of the Russian government, social and political organizations, owners and top managers were discussed on Saturday for nine hours by seven speakers with the participation of more than a hundred invitees at the international conference “Successful Business of Russia 2024” in the auditorium of Holiday Inn Sokolniki.

The attendees discussed how to work effectively under sanctions (import, export, currency), use the latest financial technologies, legalize business, save up to 80% of taxes and costs legally, build a system that will not depend on the change of accountant and create a team that works for results.

In addition, the participants learned new unique products, received mechanisms that will be able to distinguish them among competitors, learned the latest trends in tax and financial policy of the state to apply them in their work and learned how to delegate their tasks correctly and easily without loss of quality.

Among other things, they were helped by the speeches of the heads of the International Alliance of Russian Germans (IARN) – Waldemar Gerdt (Topic: “Relocation of business from Europe to Russia. Trends and prospects of development”), Oleg Vikhman (topic: “Innovative technologies in customs clearance of goods for export and import. SCALA-FTS: express cargo and electronic card of compatriot”) and Vladimir Lishchuk (topic: “Trends of business development in Russia in 2024”), which were met by the guests of the event with interest and understanding, and often even interrupted by well-deserved applause.

During the conference IDA members managed to establish new connections with business partners, including those of international level, to discuss professional issues with specialists of high competence, to plunge into a comfortable environment of growth and scaling opportunities, to get closer acquainted with colleagues and potential clients and, of course, to get new highly effective skills of work.

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