Delegation of the International Alliance of Russian Germans “Renaissance” took part in the Catherine Forum

The delegation of the International Alliance of Russian Germans “Renaissance” headed by President Waldemar Gerdt and Secretary General Oleg Vihman took part in the Catherine Forum, which was held for the first time in Russia in the Central Business Space (Moscow, Pokrovka Street, 47). The Forum covered various spheres of state and public activity, and the pool of moderators and speakers became the key to the effective work of the sections. They included representatives of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation, the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, the All-Russian Interethnic Youth Union, the House of Peoples of Russia, the Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations, the Assembly of Peoples of Eurasia, including the IDA “Renaissance”, as well as representatives of the business community. The unifying theme for the various sections of the forum was Russia’s enormous capacity to welcome people from other countries: people see our state as a “saving ark”, where traditional spiritual and moral values have been preserved for centuries and all possible conditions are created to preserve the national and confessional identity of citizens. The moderators of all nine sections voiced the theses of the discussions and summarized their results. However, the work is not yet done. The whole range of information presented in the thematic sections is to be analyzed and summarized. These materials will form the basis of the resolution, which will be sent to all forum participants and submitted to the federal executive and legislative authorities. This document will reflect the main issues related to the realization of Russia’s unique potential as a state for new life, open to the reception of citizens of different countries, and giving highly qualified foreign specialists the opportunity to fully realize their professional ambitions. The issues of providing assistance to foreign specialists wishing to move to Russia, including with the help of an electronic compatriot card (ECC), were raised in his speech by Oleg Vikhman, and Waldemar Gerd spoke about the possibilities of conducting their professional activities in Russia, investing resources in the context of traditional cultural and family values. Their performances were appreciated by the participants and guests of the International Catherine Forum.

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