General requirements

1- Photo requirements

A photograph, 35×45 mm in size, in black-and-white or color with a clear image of the face strictly full-face without headgear.
A close-up of the head and the upper part of the shoulders of the applicant (the person in respect of whom the application is submitted) shall be placed on the photograph, and the distance from the top of the head to the chin shall not be more than eighty percent of the size of the whole image (frame vertically).

The image of the person in the photograph shall correspond to the age of the applicant (person in respect of whom the application is submitted) on the day of submission of the application.
The applicant (the person in respect of whom the application is submitted) shall be depicted in the photograph strictly full-face and looking straight ahead.
The background shall be white, even, without stripes, spots, foreign objects and shadows.
The eyes of the applicant (the person in respect of whom the application is submitted) shall be open and hair shall not obscure them.
Photographing with dark glasses or wearing a blindfold is allowed only on medical grounds.

In cases where the applicant’s religious beliefs do not allow the applicant to be shown in front of strangers without head coverings, photographs shall be submitted wearing head coverings that do not conceal the oval of the face.

It is not allowed to present a photograph (of the person in respect of whom the application is submitted) in uniform, in outer clothing, in scarves covering part of the chin, as well as with an edited image in order to improve the appearance of the depicted person or its artistic processing.
The image shall show all features of the person being photographed.

For persons who constantly wear glasses, it is obligatory to be photographed wearing glasses without tinted glasses.
The eyes must be clearly visible in the photograph.
The frame of the glasses must not cover the eyes.

2 Requirements for medical examination for residence permit, residence permit, work patent

Medical examination must be completed within 90 days from the date of entry into the Russian Federation.

Required documents:
– Passport or other identity document with notarized translation
– Migration card with a stamp on entry, indicating the purpose of arrival in the Russian Federation
– Notification on migration registration

Investigations and tests:
– FLG or chest CT scan adults (no more than 1 month before medical clearance)
– Blood test for HIV infection
– Blood test for syphilis
– Clinical blood test
– Chemical and toxicological examination of urine
– General urinalysis
– Bacteriological and cultural examination of sputum.

– Infectious disease specialist
– Phthisiatrist
– Dermatovenerologist
– Addiction psychiatrist
– General practitioner

Before the medical examination it is forbidden to use such drugs as: “Codelac”, “Codipront”, “Codterpin”, “Nurofen Plus”, “Pentalgin”, “Pentalgin-N”, “Sedal-M”, “Sedalgin Neo”, “Terpincod”, “Tetralgin”, “Caffetine”, “Corvalol”, “Valocordine”, “Phenobarbital”.
If you use any of these drugs on a regular basis, be sure to let your doctors know.

If a foreign citizen does not speak Russian, the medical commission and communication with medical personnel is conducted through an interpreter.

If a disease from the List of diseases approved by the Government of the Russian Federation №188 of 02.04.03 is detected during the commission, the patient receives a conclusion based on the results of the medical examination on the contraindications and is obliged to continue examination and treatment in a specialized medical institution.

International Alliance of Russian Germans "Revival"

Joint Stock Company "International Council of Russian Germans "Vozrozhdenie" (JSC "ICRN "Vozrozhdenie")

123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya Embankment, 12, Moscow City, Moscow International Business Center "Federation", "Vostok" Tower, 25th floor, office "D"

Registered Association "International Council of Russian Germans "Renaissance"