Vocal karaoke contest “Songs Without Borders”

The International Council of Russian Germans “Renaissance”, the company “WORLD BRICS MEDIA”, the TV channel “RMBTV”, “International Karaoke Association”, the company “Russian Music Bank”, the company “VERGO MUSIC”, announce the beginning of accepting applications for participation in the International vocal contest of compatriots “Songs Without Borders”. Participants of the compatriot contest are citizens of all countries who appreciate and love German and Russian culture, traditions, language and are ready to show their vocal talents to the whole world.

Russian speech is heard on all continents of the Earth. As of the first decade of the 21st century, more than 20 million Russian Germans and their descendants live outside Russia.

The vocal karaoke contest “SONGS WITHOUT GRANTS” will become one of the culturally significant large-scale events of Russia and the whole Russian world. Such a contest is held for the first time and it will surely bring Russian Germans of different ages and professions closer together.

If you are a beginner or an existing performer and want to enter the Russian show business market, we will gladly give you such an opportunity.

Organizers and founders of the contest:

International Union of Russian Germans “Renaissance” -General Secretary Oleg Vikhman

International Karaoke Association General Producer: Michael Bebing +79032964212

Applications and all materials are accepted at clubtop@mail.ru

You can familiarize yourself with the Regulations of the Songs Without Borders Contest by going to https://vk.com/pesnibezgranic.

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